How is a Hospital-Grade Breast Pump different from A Standard Pump?

How is a Hospital-Grade Breast Pump different from A Standard Pump?

Blog Article

A hospital-grade breast pump is an advanced, multi-user breast pump used in hospital settings for mothers medically incapable of natural breastfeeding. Some of the common conditions that could warrant a hospital-grade pump include mastitis, congenital disabilities, your baby being kept in the NICU, prolonged separation between you and your baby at birth, or giving birth to twins, triplets, or more. Outside of hospitals, moms can obtain hospital-grade pumps through monthly rental services.

What sets a hospital-grade breast pump apart from a standard, double-electric pump is its power, size, and programming. These industrial-size, multi-user pumps generate optimal suction power, working to generate maximum milk supply from its user. That said, most lactation consultants will recommend a hospital-grade pump for mothers inhibited from total milk production because of the above-mentioned medical conditions.

Below is a breakdown of the key differences between hospital-grade pumps and their standard, double-electric counterparts:

User Experience
Hospital-grade breast pumps offer multi-user capabilities, while personal pumps are more limited. Hospital-grade pumps have closed systems, which use protective barriers to prevent excess liquid from disrupting the motor. This system makes them safe for multiple users, as contamination risk is minimal. Meanwhile, standard double-electric pumps for personal use are intended to be used by one person, given they lack the protective capabilities of hospital-grade pumps.

Hospital-grade breast pumps are substantially bigger than standard, personal pumps. That said, they aren’t the most practical if you’re a mom on the go. If you plan to stay put while you pump, a hospital-grade pump is adequate. Otherwise, you might consider a portable breast pump instead.

If you’re looking for some extra power, opt for a hospital grade breast pump. These industrial-sized pumps are more powerful than their personal-use counterparts. When using a hospital-grade pump, you’ll notice you produce more milk in less time. This outstanding efficiency and horsepower often make moms lean toward these rental options.

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